Episode #40 - Moon Rot


Moon Rot. Photo via Moon Rot

"…(Planning for the future of Moon Rot) is about being honest with ourselves with what we are, and where we are, and where we could go with this...we're not everyone's cup of tea and in no way do we try to be. What we try to do is pay homage to the shit that we love, one way or another...audibly or visually..." - Eric Rubera, Drummer

Episode #40 showcases a hardcore punk act, Moon Rot, hailing from the New England area of the US, and the release of their latest track, "Dead Order" (April 7th, 2021). We talk to drummer, Eric Rubera, about upcoming plans for the band, video gaming, and a multitude of other things such as pop music and Ke$ha - it's a cool conversation you'll love.

For anyone looking to scratch the surface into the hardcore genre of music, Moon Rot just might be your gateway, but just know that you can rely on Dear Untitled to be keeping tabs on them as this year progresses and beyond! Settle in and enjoy our conversation with Moon Rot on Episode #40 of The Dear Untitled Podcast!


Episode #39 — Nasma